

  • 发布时间:2024-03-16 14:46:03
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本文摘要:South Koreans Love Phablets韩国人讨厌平板手机In a worldwide sample of nearly 100,000 iOS and Android devices, seven percent were “phablets,” the jumbo-phone/mini-tablet hybrid. But in South Korea, 41 percent of such devices are phablets, according to Flurry Analytics.在全世界将近10万样本的iOS和安卓设备中,7%的设备是大尺寸手机与小尺寸平板的混合体。

South Koreans Love Phablets韩国人讨厌平板手机In a worldwide sample of nearly 100,000 iOS and Android devices, seven percent were “phablets,” the jumbo-phone/mini-tablet hybrid. But in South Korea, 41 percent of such devices are phablets, according to Flurry Analytics.在全世界将近10万样本的iOS和安卓设备中,7%的设备是大尺寸手机与小尺寸平板的混合体。但是,根据Flurry Analytics的数据,在韩国,41%的设备是平板手机。

Growth in the South Korean mobile installed base does seem to be slowing down as it reaches saturation, Flurry said. Connected devices grew 17 percent in the past year in South Korea, versus 81 percent in the rest of the world, as measured by Flurry.Flurry回应,韩国的手机转录用户数快速增长看上去正在减慢,由于这一数量将要饱和状态。根据Flurry计算出来,去年,韩国手机设备转录数量快速增长了17%,而世界其他地区则减少了81%。South Koreans have a notable tendency to buy local devices. As of August 2013, 85 percent of devices owned in South Korea were manufactured there, Flurry said. Samsung had 60 percent market share.韩国人十分偏向于出售国产手机。Flurry回应,累计到2013年8月,85%的韩国手机是本土生产。

三星的市场占有率是60%。Flurry released the South Korean stats on the occasion of a distribution partnership with SK Planet, the South Korean app store, which is integrating Flurry analytics into its new developer center for usage by its 37,000 app developers. Flurry said it already tracks 33 million devices in South Korea.Flurry在于韩国软件商店SK Planet创建分销合作伙伴关系之际公布了韩国的数据,SK Planet在其新的开发者中心用于Flurry的数据,可供其37000名软件开发者参照。Flurry回应早已追踪了韩国的330万台设备。SK Planet told Flurry that 68 percent of its revenue comes from game-related spending, at an impressive rate of $5.27 per user per month (that’s about double the U.S. average monthly user revenue for all apps, not just games). Another interesting tidbit is that a third of SK Planet’s in-app purchases are paid for with gift certificates.SK Planet告诉他Flurry其68%的收益来自于游戏涉及花费,每用户每月花费5.27美元,非常难以置信的数字(这是美国还包括游戏在内的软件月用户收益的两倍)。

另一个有意思的花絮是SK Planet的应用于内购的三分之一是用礼券缴纳。





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