

  • 发布时间:2024-03-19 14:46:01
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本文摘要:Apple chief executive Tim Cook plans to visit Beijing later this month to meet high-level government officials, at a time when the company is facing setbacks in its most important overseas market, a source said.近日有消息称之为,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克计划于本月下旬采访北京,与高级政府官员会面。

Apple chief executive Tim Cook plans to visit Beijing later this month to meet high-level government officials, at a time when the company is facing setbacks in its most important overseas market, a source said.近日有消息称之为,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克计划于本月下旬采访北京,与高级政府官员会面。这是该公司在其最重要的海外市场面对挫折后做出的要求。Cook has frequently traveled to China since taking the helm of Apple five years ago, but his latest visit comes during a critical period.自从5年前库克力挽狂澜苹果公司以来,他就常常前往中国,但本次的采访处在一个关键时期。

From weakening smartphone sales to the loss of an iPhone trademark dispute and the suspension of some of its online entertainment services, the US technology giant has been facing a flurry of problems in recent weeks in its second-largest market after the US.从智能手机销量暴跌,到赢了iPhone商标纠纷,再行到其一些在线娱乐服务的停止,这家美国的科技巨头在这几周内早已在美国本土之外的第二大市场面对到了一连串的问题。Last week the company reported its first quarterly revenue drop in 13 years.上周,苹果公司宣告13年来的首次季度收益下降。On top of that, billionaire activist investor Carl Icahn said in an interview with CNBC that he had sold his entire stake in Apple, citing Chinas economic slowdown and worries about whether the government could make it very difficult for Apple to conduct business.最重要的是,亿万富翁保守投资者卡尔·伊坎在拒绝接受CNBC专访时回应,他早已变卖了他在苹果公司全部股权,理由是中国经济增长速度上升以及对中国政府否不会容许苹果公司开展业务的忧虑。

During his China visit, Cook plans to meet senior government and Communist party leaders – including officials in charge of propaganda, said the source.消息来源回应,在中国访问期间,库克计划会见高级政府官员和中国共产党的领导人--其中就还包括负责管理宣传的官员。Under the president, Xi Jinping, China is also trying to shift away from its dependence on foreign technology, especially in critical sectors such as banking and insurance. Foreign businesses have staunchly opposed new regulations that they claim threaten to cut them out of such industries.在中国国家主席习近平的指导下,中国也正在企图去除对国外技术的倚赖,特别是在是在如银行、保险业等关键领域。外国企业对这些新的规定都回应极力赞成,他们声称受到了在这些行业内被代替的威胁。

Despite growing concerns over its China business – Apple reported its revenue from Greater China, which includes Hong Kong and Taiwan, dropped 26% last quarter – Cook argued that the country is a lot more stable than people think.尽管在中国的业务更加令人担忧--苹果公司发布的在还包括台湾和香港在内的大中华区的收益上一季度上升了26%--但是库克依然指出,这个国家比人们想象的要平稳得多。We remain really optimistic on China, he added.。





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