

  • 发布时间:2024-01-04 14:46:02
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本文摘要:The Chinese government has formally legalised online car-hailing services, including San Francisco-based Uber and Beijing‘s Didi Chuxing, giving a boost to an industry that has operated in a grey area.中国政府已月将网约车服务合法化,还包括总部坐落于旧金山的优步(Uber)和中国的滴滴上下班(Didi Chuxing),此举让这个仍然在灰色地带运营的行业取得提振。

The Chinese government has formally legalised online car-hailing services, including San Francisco-based Uber and Beijing‘s Didi Chuxing, giving a boost to an industry that has operated in a grey area.中国政府已月将网约车服务合法化,还包括总部坐落于旧金山的优步(Uber)和中国的滴滴上下班(Didi Chuxing),此举让这个仍然在灰色地带运营的行业取得提振。Both groups welcomed the provisional rules, unveiled by the transport ministry yesterday, which Didi referred to as “the world’s first nationwide online ride-booking regulations”.两家公司都对中国交通部昨日发布的《网络购票出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法》回应青睐,滴滴称之为其为“世界范围内施行的第一个国家级的网约车法规”。

Uber said the regulations sent “a clear message of support for ride-sharing and the benefits that it offers riders, drivers and cities”.优步回应,《暂行办法》“反映了政府对网约车新的业态的接纳和反对”。China was “a country that has consistently shown itself to be forward-thinking when it comes to business innovation”, the US group added.优步补足称之为,中国在“面临创意时仍然具备前瞻性”。

Car-hailing has been met with protests and bans in many countries, but Beijing has sought to co-opt the technology to promote economic growth.网约车服务在很多国家遭遇抗议和禁令,但中国政府谋求利用这种技术增进经济快速增长。The car-hailing rules set a precedent for other industries in China — such as finance and healthcare — where regulators are considering how much disruption can be tolerated from fast-moving internet companies.网约车规定为中国其他行业(例如金融和医疗)成立了先例,在这些行业,监管者于是以考虑到在多大程度上忽视较慢发展的互联网公司导致的颠覆性影响。Car-hailing has quickly grown from a niche sector to a large industry in China, where the ubiquity of smartphones has translated into millions of rides a day. Didi has claimed to be handling 14m rides a day across its platforms, including licensed taxis and car pooling as well as private car hailing.在中国,网约车已很快从一个小众领域发展为一个大规模产业,智能手机的普及改变为每日数百万次上下班。






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